Company Profile

  TAWOV® is a manufacturing company that produces CCTV lenses, and all processes from design to processing (polishing, coring, coating, metal parts processing, mold making, printed circuit board mounting, and product assembly) are carried out in-house, in fully integrated environments such as, 5 million pixel 2/3 inch, 5 million pixel 1 inch; The 2 million pixel motorized zoom lens includes 1 inch, 1/1.8 inch, 1/2 inch, and 2/3 inch; 10-million-pixel, 15-million-pixel 4/3-inch, F-mount motorized zoom lens; 900-1700nm SWIR shortwave lens; UV lens.

The in-house integrated production system allows us to eliminate overhead costs and meet customer requirements through fast response times and tight delivery times. Having all our processes in one place gives us seamless quality control. We are proud to be a "lens company that provides efficient and flexible services" and a "lens company that is willing to handle customer requests".

Product Classification:

1、HD manual zoom lens

2、HD motorized zoom lens

3、Industrial FA lenses


Product value


Business information

公司名称TAWOV Inc.
  • 机器视觉、工业用光学镜头,销售

  • 监控用CCTV镜头的设计、生产、销售

  • 显微镜扩大镜等设计、生产、销售

Geographic location

 Higashi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106, Japan
